Free Dylexia Resources

Free Dyslexia Resources Make A Big Impact!

Bravo! Reading helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.

Welcome to Bravo! Reading’s dynamic collection of free dyslexia resources. Please use the resources as your ultimate toolkit for empowering your dyslexic learner! Packed with innovative strategies, engaging activities, and expert insights, our resources are designed to tackle reading challenges head-on.

Check out Bravo! Reading's free dyslexia resources for help for dyslexia.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or student, you’ll find everything you need to unlock potential and build confidence. Dive into a world of support and success, and discover how our dyslexia resources can transform the learning journey for your child!

As you know, if your child has dyslexia, it can be heartbreaking! You know your child is smart, but grades don’t reflect it. As years pass, your child falls further and further behind because you don’t have the right resources.

Additionally, you don’t know where to turn, where to go. If you’re unsure, then Bravo! Reading offers many free dyslexia resources to help your child succeed in reading!

Look For Indications of Dyslexia at Home!

If you’ve been looking for an easy, fun way to look for indications of dyslexia, the Bravo! Free Dyslexia Test can help. It’s doesn’t take a much time to administer, and the instructions are clear.

One of everyone's favorite of Bravo! Reading's favorite free resources is the Bravo! Free Dyslexia Test.

Even better, your child will enjoy the whole process. It’s short, sweet, and to the point!

Your child will pick out reversed and non-reversed letters and numbers as well as perform other easy tasks that show indications of dyslexia.

Once you know if your child has indications of dyslexia, it helps decide which path you want to take. Should you go on for more in-depth testing or just dive into searching for the right treatment?

Each child is different, so it’s up to each family which way to turn. Either way, a great starting point is the Bravo! Free Dyslexia Test!

Fill out the form below to download your free dyslexia test!

Knock Out Reading Problems With The Bravo! Punch Pack!

The Bravo! Punch Pack helps kids overcome reading challenges.

The Bravo! Punch Pack, the ultimate dyslexia decoding program designed to knock out reading challenges! With a powerful combination of innovative techniques and engaging activities, The Bravo! Punch Pack empowers dyslexic learners to master decoding skills and build reading confidence.

The Bravo! Punch Pack is one of Bravo! Reading's free dyslexia resources. It starts the reading decoding foundation with large motor movements.

Our dynamic free dyslexia program targets the core difficulties faced by dyslexic readers, delivering amazing results through a fun and supportive approach. Join us and experience the power of The Bravo! Punch Pack, where every child can become a reading champion!

Most traditional reading programs introduce decoding with three-letter words. This works for the majority of kids, but it’s lethal for a child with dyslexia. They need to be eased into a process that feels like a foreign language to them!

Kids with dyslexia struggle to process visual and auditory information. Because of this, their visual and auditory memory skills are usually weak. This means that kids with dyslexia can only retain only two to three shapes in visual memory. It also means that decoding a two- to three-letter word is the extent that their visual memory skills will allow! Consequently, this is why the Bravo! Punch Pack is one of the best free reading resources available!

Accessing Free Dyslexia Resources is a Great First Step!

In addition, Bravo! knows that kids with dyslexia can succeed if given the right set of tools from the get-go. Kids with dyslexia struggle to decode. But if given two-letter words along with a multisensory, brain-based, movement-based program, they can start succeeding at decoding right from the start.

Bravo! Reading offers many free reading resources that help kids with dyslexia make huge progress. The Bravo! Punch Pack is a FREE snapshot of Bravo! Reading’s larger and more thorough Level 1 from the Bravo! Reading Program. Additionally, the Bravo! Punch Pack helps your child decode two-letter words before asking your child to decode three-letter words.

This is only common sense, especially for kids with dyslexia!

A sample page from the Bravo! Punch Pack, one of Bravo! Reading's many free dyslexia resources.

Fill out the form below to download your free Bravo! Punch Pack!

How To Get Instant Impact with the Bravo! Snap Pack!

The Bravo! Snap Pack is a free dyslexia resource that helps kids overcome reading challenges through large motor movement.

The Bravo! Snap Pack is here to help your struggling reader! It is a free decoding program designed to make reading accessible and enjoyable. The Bravo! Snap Pack provides innovative strategies and tools to overcome challenges and build reading confidence.

The Bravo! Punch Pack is one of Bravo! Reading's free dyslexia resources. It starts the reading decoding foundation with large motor movements.

Dive in today and take the first step toward helping your child master reading with ease, comfort, and success! Like the Bravo! Punch Pack, the Bravo! Snap Pack is a shorter snapshot of the longer Level 2 of the Bravo! Reading Program. Consequently, it’s a great way to get started with engaging decoding skills for kids with dyslexia right away!

The Bravo! Snap Pack helps your child decode three-letter words with ease! With gross motor movements, your child will “feel” how to blend three letters together to form a word. These words are in the traditional consonant-vowel-consonant pattern.

What isn’t traditional is how your child learns to decode three-letter words. Kids with dyslexia learn differently than other kids. That’s why they need a decoding system that meets their needs – that speaks to them through their “learning language”.

Instill Confidence With These Free Dyslexia Resources

The Bravo! Snap Pack uses color, large motor movements, picture cues, auditory cues, a multi-sensory approach, brain-based learning, and predictability to give your child a fun, engaging way to decode three-letter words.

Your child uses a dot dabber or bingo marker to “pound” in letter sounds and then blend them together.

It works in a snap!

Bravo! Reading uses large motor movements to help kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.

Fill out the form below to download your free copy of the Bravo! Snap Pack.

The Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.

Step into the world of reading sleuths with the Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack! Our free decoding program is your child’s ultimate toolkit for cracking the case of dyslexia. Equipped with cutting-edge strategies and clever techniques, the Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack helps you uncover hidden reading skills and solve the mysteries of text with ease.

The Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack helps kids with dyslexia decode words. It is one of Bravo! Reading's numerous free dyslexia resources.

Join the ranks of reading detectives and start your journey to decoding success today—no magnifying glass required! The Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack is another of Bravo! Reading’s FREE dyslexia resources. It is aimed at refining existing decoding skills that your child already has. This supplemental digital workbook is perfect for older kids – second grade or higher – who know all letter sounds (including long and short vowels) and can blend three letters together.

Like the Bravo! Punch Pack and Snap Pack, the Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack is a smaller snapshot of a larger program, The Bravo! Decoder Pack.

The Mini-Decoder Pack and the Decoder Pack are Bravo! Reading’s most complex and challenging decoding programs. It is recommended that your child uses the Bravo! Punch Pack and Bravo! Snap Pack before using the Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack.

Become a Reading Sleuth with Free Dylexia Resources!

The Mini-Decoder Pack focuses on three main areas to drive home decoding skills for the child with dyslexia. To start, a decoding unit or phonemic unit is assigned for each page. After that, nonsense words are practiced so bad reading and decoding habits can be eliminated. And finally, your child gets to read a fun story chock full of words related to the assigned decoding unit.

Once again, movement is king for helping your child learn and retain decoding steps that lead to greater fluency and comprehension skills.

Fill out the form below to get your free copy of the Bravo! Mini-Decoder Pack.

Keep Your Child Focused Now With The Bravo! Behavior Booster!

The Bravo! Behavior Booster helps kiods with dyslexia overcome behavior struggles.

The Bravo! Behavior Booster transforms kids’ behavior issues in as little as two quick adjustments! Even better, it’s designed specifically for dyslexic children! At Bravo! Reading, we believe in turning challenges into stepping stones. This, in turn, empowers every child to reach their full potential.

The Bravo! Behavior Booster is a free resource to help kids behave and perform tasks.

In addition, this innovative behavior program blends workable strategies to foster positive behaviors, boost confidence, and enhance learning experiences.

You’ll feel pride in your child after joining us on this journey to brighter futures. The best news is that your child’s grades improve when thriving is the norm! This is one of the most life changing free reading resources that Bravo! Reading offers.

If your child has bad feelings about reading, then there will most likely be a battle of some sort when it comes time to read. And the truth of it is, that if there’s a battle – even an internal one – then there won’t be much learning taking place.

How To Complete Tasks to Build a Bright Future

Even if your child isn’t a behavior problem, the Bravo! Behavior Booster is still one of Bravo! Reading’s awesome free dyslexia resources. I helps your child complete tasks and gain self-confidence, which in turn, increases reading skills.

Kids who use the Bravo! Behavior Booster, one of Bravo! Reading's free dyslexia resources, behave better and have fantastic grades.

With a graduating task completion system, the Bravo! Behavior Booster gives you clear, easy ways to get your child to do what’s asked, whether it’s a homework assignment or just picking up toys off the floor!

If you can think of a task and a reward, your child will soon be feeling awesome about doing a fantastic job on homework, school work, reading, playing with friends, or turning off video games when asked.

Additionally, you can come up with whatever works for your child and your family. From there, set up a task sheet, think of a reward, and get onto the positive behavior cycle with your child!

A sample page from the Bravo! Booster where behavior problems are dealt with.

Fill out the form below to get your free copy of the Bravo! Behavior Booster.

Bravo! Reading helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges and become reading sharks.

Free Dyslexia Resources Make A Big Impact!
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Free Dyslexia Resources Make A Big Impact!
Bravo! Reading offers numerous free resources for kids who have dyslexia.
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Bravo! Reading
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