Free Dyslexia Test

Get Results Now With The Bravo! Reading Free Dyslexia Test!

Bravo! Reading helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.

Do you ever wonder if your child has dyslexia? Have you wished for a free dyslexia test that didn’t confuse you? 

Wondering if you child has dyslexia can be terrifying. You don’t know where to turn…who to turn to for help. Everyone tells you something different, and getting a professional diagnosis can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars!

The Bravo! Reading Dyslexia Test is a free resource to use at home or school.

The Bravo! Reading Dyslexia Test is the perfect place to start in your quest to determine if your child has dyslexia! Even better, the dyslexia test is absolutely free! It gives you specific information about how your child learns and indications of whether or not your child has dyslexia!

The Bravo! Reading FREE Dyslexia Test: A Great Starting Point!

If your child struggles to read – stammering and stuttering instead of fluently decoding words, then it might be dyslexia. Are reversed letters and numbers a problem in your child’s reading or writing? That’s another indication of dyslexia!

Get the information you need about your child with the free Bravo! Reading dyslexia test.

There are many more symptoms of dyslexia that need to be taken into consideration, as dyslexia is a complicated condition. But here’s the bottom line. Looking at a list of symptoms isn’t enough information to determine if a child has dyslexia.

Taking a survey about your child’s behavior won’t give you enough data, either.

There’s great news, though! The Bravo! Reading Free Dyslexia Test will give you the answers you need!

Get the Information You Need from A Free Dyslexia Test That’s Easy To Use!

Getting the right information leads to finding a solution for a problem. Once you know what’s on your child’s plate, then poor grades, low reading scores, homework bottles, below grade level fluency abilities, and compromised reading comprehension scores can be dealt with.

But if you don’t know what is getting in the way of your child’s academic and reading success, you are stabbing blindly in the dark!

When you know exactly which skills are getting in the way of your child’s reading and academic success, then you have a way to help…a starting point.

For instance, if you have specific information about your child’s dyslexia, then you’re able to communicate better with schools, know which private therapy to seek out, or seek out a home program that makes a real difference.

For example, two skills the Bravo! Free Dyslexia Test will evaluate are reversals and visual skills, both which plague children with dyslexia.

Fill out the form below to download the free dyslexia test.

After administering the Bravo! Free Dyslexia Test, you will know right away if reversals or visual processing skills are getting in the way of your child’s academic success.

A teacher helping a boy with dyslexia with Bravo! Reading's free dyslexia test.

From there, you can find private therapy, try to get help from your child’s school, or you can find other solutions. Bravo! Reading offers The Bravo! Bundle to give your child a quick and fun way to read.

If your child has dyslexia, then information comes in distorted, backward, upside down, wiggling, shaking, quivering, or a host of other ways.

This causes your child to pause in an effort to process the information. The bad news is that this pause takes away from the flow of learning.

How Distorted Information Makes Your Child Fail

A mother and child using the free Bravo! dyslexia test.

As your child grasps at straws trying to determine the letter sound, reading fluency is affected. The flow of learning is disrupted, and even though that pause may seem irrelevant, it’s enough to muddy the process.

This flow of learning is important for academic success. Consequently, when a child has to stop and start repeatedly, then distraction becomes the norm. It’s hard to focus and attend to necessary information to pass tests, answer questions in class, or recall what was just read.

This leads to reading and acadmic failure. Grades plummet. Homework battles rage. And family life gets disrupted.

To turn this around, it’s important to find out exactly what is causing this dyslexia distortion. You need to pinpoint the cause of the problem, which will lead to a solution.

Stop Reversals In Reading And Writing Now!

Did you know that kids with dyslexia are smart? It’s just that they have a difficult time processing information that affects reading and spelling. In addition, they usually struggle severely with reversals when they read and write, and this gets in the way of their reading and academic success.

You'll find out a lot about your child after administering the free Bravo! Dyslexia test.

The problem arises when the meaning – the very information that needed to come in cleanly and clearly – doesn’t come in as intended. This disconnect gets in the dyslexic child’s way, and unfortunately, most schools and reading programs are not equipped to truly help this learner.

Kids with dyslexia can learn to stop reversing letters and numbers with the right program. But even if these kids don’t get reversals help, then a reading program designed for kids with dyslexia is important.

But not just any reading program will work!

Since kids with dyslexia learn through movement, it’s important that large muscle movements are used. Writing in sand usually isn’t enough for kids with dyslexia, and this method takes way too long. Yes, it’s multisensory, but your child needs a reading program that’s not only multisensory but Orton-Gillingham based…on steroids!

Add in brain-based learning, and now your child has the tools to read with success!

The Bravo! Reading Free Dyslexia Test

Bravo! Reading is proud to provide you with a free dyslexia test to help you determine if your child has indications of dyslexia.

A showing of Bravo! Reading's free dyslexia test.

The Bravo! Reading Test is based on over forty years of field research and practical application. Lisa Harp, the founder of Bravo! Reading, Harp Learning Institute, and the Harp Learning Academy, created the Bravo! Dyslexia Test to help children in her four Northern California learning centers.

The information in the Bravo! Dyslexia Test helped discover if kids had indications of dyslexia. Lisa found that it was easier to treat children with autism, CAPD, or other learning disabilities, because they came with a diagnosis.

But dyslexia is a “hidden” learning disability, because it’s so hard to label. Kids with dyslexia often don’t appear to have a learning disability. They are bright, verbal, and often don’t fall behind until the third or fourth grade when the print gets small and the curriculum gets more difficult.

With a label, then there’s help. Once you have firm indications of dyslexia, you can find the right help. The correct reading program. Therapy that works and doesn’t waste your money. The right therapeutic home program.

The Information You Need: The Bravo! Free Dyslexia Test

Dyslexia is a complicated condition. If you get a professional diagnosis, you will get a lot of specific information, and that’s fantastic. But sometimes too much information is just…confusing. Its hard to wade through all the data, too difficult to pick out what’s pertinent and what isn’t.

But Bravo! Reading knows there are five main areas of dyslexia that affect reading and academics. This information can then be taken to help your child make reading and school strides. With the Bravo! Dyslexia Test, you won’t get unnecessary, often confusing information.

Bravo! Reading understands this confusion. After all, Lisa Harp, the founder of Bravo! Reading! was a teacher when her son was diagnosed with dyslexia. And she didn’t know how to help him! As a teacher, none of the mainstream activities she used on him worked. She needed to step outside the box and find a way to help him.

Enter the Bravo! Reading Program! Within a year of using this program and other sensory and brain building activities, he was an honor student!

After that, opened and operated four learning centers from 200 to 2023. From this work, she was able to design the Bravo! Dyslexia Test so you can determine if your child has indications of dyslexia. Right at home…without costing you a cent!

Even better, you’ll get facts and information that make sense. From there, you’ll be led to the solution you’ve been seeking!

There are five distinct areas the Bravo! Dyslexia Test evaluates, and they are explained below!

The First Line of Defense: Reversals

The first area the Bravo! Reading checks for is the most obvious one…and the most common.

You'll know what therapies to use after administering the free Bravo! Reading Dyslexia Test.

Reversals! Reversing letters and numbers, both in reading and writing, plagues kids with dyslexia! Consequently, discovering what your child’s reversals issues are is the first line of defense.

When you know if your child’s reversals problem fall within normal ranges or not, you can seek therapies that help.

The Bravo! Dyslexia Test evaluates for reversals quickly and easily, giving you information you need for next steps in helping your child overcome reversals issues!

It’s All In The Eyes: The Visual Processing Connection

Did you know that 75 to 90 percent of what we take in is visual? That means that if something is amiss, it affects not only reading and academics, but how your child processes all information!

To make matters worse, there’s a crossover with reversals and visual processing disorders. The symptoms mirror each other, and it’s hard to determine if it’s a visual processing issue or a reversals issue. In addition, this means that reversals can be caused by visual processing disorders, since there is a distortion of visual information coming in.

The Bravo! Reading Dyslexia Test will give you indications of dyslexia.

If your child struggles with a visual processing issue, lines and paragraphs might be skipped while reading. Print might run uphill or downhill, and letters might not be formed correctly.

Capital letters might be smaller than lower case letters. Reversals are an issue, and transposing letters and numbers is common.

For instance, a child might read the word “feel” as “feet”. The letters “t” and “l” are similar, so they get mixed up while reading or writing. This, in turn, leads to incorrect meaning, lowering reading comprehension scores. Fluency is affected in an adverse way as well. And of course, the spelling of the word would be incorrect.

As you can see, this one simple visual misconduct affects three subjects in school in an negative way!

Or, the problem could simply be caused by dyslexia.

Whether it’s a reversals problem or a visual processing issue, the Bravo! Dyslexia Test will give you instant information as to what’s causing the problem.

The Reversals Revelation: Finding Out More About Your Dyslexic Child

One of the most disturbing things for parents of kids with dyslexia to see is reversed letters and numbers in their children’s writing. It seems so obvious. You point out the reversal, and your child corrects it.

Find indications of dyslexia in your child with the Bravo! Dyslexia Test.

Then in the next paragraph or column, the very same letter or number is reversed again!

If you’ve ever gone through this scenario with your child, you know it can go on forever like this. It’s as if your child can’t “see” which way a letter or number faces, no matter what you do!

It’s important to find out if your child is reversing letters and numbers in writing so this can get fixed. Once it’s fixed, then your child has a route to reading and academic success!

This section of the Bravo! Dyslexia Test is different than the first section, in that it checks exactly how your child is forming letters andnumbers. Both lower case and capital letters are checked along with the digits 0 through 9.

This gives you specific information as to whether or not your child is struggling in this area and you can compare it to the first section of the Bravo! Dyslexia Test to see which area is worse and which area needs the most practice.

The Direct Hit Of Auditory Processing Skills

At one point in time, it was thought that dyslexia was primarily a visual processing problem. Although there is a strong visual component to dyslexia, recent research lets us know that there is an auditory component to dyslexia.

Find out if your child has dyslexia with the Bravo! Reading Dyslexia Test.

It stands to reason that a child with dyslexia would transpose or mix up sounds as well as letters, numbers, and words. For instance, a child with dyslexia might hear and pronounce the word “animal” as “aminal”.

Of course, most toddlers go through this phase of saying words like this. “Ephelant” for “elephant” and “mazagine” for “magazine” are two common examples of mispronounced words.

The problem with dyslexia occurs when the mispronunciations persist beyond toddler-hood. When a child is in the third grade saying “disonaur” for “dinosaur”, then there’s probably an auditory component to the mispronunciation.

The Bravo! Dyslexia Test gives you information as to whether or not your child is struggling with basic auditory processing skills. From there, you can make choices as to how to help correct the problem.

How Little Units Of Sound Give You Tons Of Information

Phonemic awareness is a critically important skill for sounding out words. Unfortunately, children with dyslexia typically struggle with using phonemes, which are the small units of sound that make up our language.

Once you administer the Bravo! Reading Dyslexia Test, you can find out which therapies to use.

The good news is that if kids with dyslexia develop a strong sense of phonemic awareness in a way they can understand and internalize, then they can become excellent readers! (Check out The Bravo! Bundle for the best compilation of phonemic awareness building activities available!)

Our language is built of forty-four basic phonemes, and other words build upon these basic phonemes. Examples of these basic phonemes are “sit”, “gem”, “had”, “dug”, and “mop”.

Once your child has a firm grasp on these basic phonemes, then multi-syllable words aren’t so scary and difficult to sound out.

To evaluate if your child has indications of dyslexia, it’s important to get a baseline reading of these basic phonemes. It’s also important to get a reading of complex phonemic units as well, depending on the child’s age, of course.

Getting The Label: How Nonsense Words Make It Accurate!

The Bravo! Dyslexia test uses nonsense words to evaluate your child’s phonemic awareness abilities. Nonsense words are used so your child can’t guess at the word based on memorization of meaning.

The use of nonsense words keeps kids with dyslexia from guessing at words.

Kids with dyslexia are meaning-driven, so they often memorize words, which leads to guessing if the word is new or unfamiliar.

Consequently, when you use the Bravo! Dyslexia Test, you’ll discover where your child’s phonemic awareness abilities lie. From there, you can choose a reading program that provides multisensory learning, a brain-based approach, and uses large motor movement to drive in phonemic awareness abilities and decoding skills. This will help your child decode words, which leads to better reading comprehension and fluency!

Make The Difference For Your Child: Get The Bravo! Reading Free Dyslexia Test

If you suspect your child has dyslexia, then use Bravo! Reading’s FREE Dyslexia Test and see if your child has indications of dyslexia. From there, you can make more important decisions as to how to treat each of the five areas that were evaluated.

The Bravo! Reading Dyslexia Test cannot firmly diagnose your child with dyslexia or any other learning disability.

You’ll get your copy of the Bravo! Reading Free Dyslexia Test as a digital file so you can get going right away. You will need to print it off or have it printed in order to have accurate results.

Bravo! Reading offers a free dyslexia test.

Get Results Now With The Bravo! Reading Free Dyslexia Test!
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Get Results Now With The Bravo! Reading Free Dyslexia Test!
The Bravo! free dyslexia test will give you indications of dyslexia so you can further treat and help your child.
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Bravo! Reading
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