Bravo! Behavior Booster

How To Fix Behavior Problems In A Flash!

Bravo! Reading helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.

The teacher calls. Again. You know it’s your child’s behavior problems before she even says a word.

Or maybe it’s because those assignments aren’t being turned in.

The Bravo! Behavior Booster helps behavior problems quickly and easily.


You know the drill. You promise to get it handled.


Then you push the button, disconnecting the call. Not sure what to do…where to go.

You’ve set up charts and graphs. Tried rewards and taking away toys and video games.

But nothing seems to work.

Bravo! Reading helps kids with dyslexia overcome behavior problems with the free Bravo! Behavior Booster.

Perhaps your child has tantrums or just can’t seem to follow simple directions. Maybe there’s no real reason for outbursts…

If your child is struggling to pay attention, fighting you on homework, or having real or serious behavior problems, then the Bravo! Behavior Booster can help.

This FREE easy to use system is a behavior blueprint that will help your child achieve reading, academic, or behavioral success.

Without breaking the bank...and without losing your mind!

Tantrums Don’t Have To Be The End Of The World!

It’s common for kids to act out, especially those with dyslexia.

Kids who are shy benefit from the free Bravo! Behavior Booster.

That’s because children with dyslexia are extremely smart. The frustration of not being able to perform well takes a toll. It’s like knowing you can count to one hundred, but when you go to do it, only a few numbers come out of your mouth. Eventually, you might show signs of behavior problems as well!

It’s important to keep in mind that when your child acts out or misbehaves, there’s usually a reason for it. It also means you need interventions designed to prevent problem behaviors if you want your child to do well.

Most of the time, Kids want to do well; they want to please and feel good about themselves. Kids revel in their teacher’s kind words. They can’t wait to get awards and ribbons. When a paper comes back with an excellent…or even passing score, pride shows on their faces!

Behavior Problems: They Don’t Disappear On Their Own!

But long days at school can wear kids with dyslexia down. Too many bad grades or lectures from teachers wear them thin. Even kids without learning issues can have meltdowns when life seems overwhelming.

Did you know that when your child has a meltdown, it’s really a form of communication? Your child is letting you know something’s wrong. It also means you desperately need interventions designed to prevent problem behaviors. The free Bravo! Behavior Booster will give you this…quickly and easily.

When Behavior Problem Interventions Fail…

A Positive Behavior Cycle Puts and End to Behavior Problems.

But remember…kids really do want to do well. But something happens along the way that stalls the positive behavior cycle. Simply put, a positive behavior cycle is a series of events where most behaviors reveal happy or positive emotions.

Your child can have a behavior cycle alone, with you, or with a peer. Groups of children can engage in behavior cycles. When the behavior cycle is positive, most of the behaviors are positive and evoke positive or happy emotions and behaviors.

The problem arises when the behavior cycle is negative. That’s when behavior problems sneak in.

If you and your child are on a negative behavior cycle, it can feel like the world’s gone mad! It also means you need interventions designed to prevent problem behaviors if you want results.

Stop Behavior Problems Now: It’s Really Not That Hard!

We’ve already established that kids truly do want to do well, but too many events can happen that send them into a negative behavior cycle. Grades plummet when kids struggle to behave. And even academics suffer. Reading fluency and comprehension scores drop because it’s difficult to focus.

When someone else is included, emotions intensify.

Behavior problems don't have to ruin your child's grades and your home life.

That’s when the tantrums pop up, when the retreating might start. Consequently, it’s when your child might start fighting and arguing with siblings or pick fights with kids at school. In addition, authorities might be disrespected.

Homework pages are hidden or never finished. Tears well up. Friends go by the wayside. Finally, screaming fits erupt…your child yells at you, at anyone in their path.

But…as bad as all this sounds, keep in mind that these are all ways of asking for help.

Overwhelmed, Acting Out, And In Trouble

When children act out, it’s usually because they feel overwhelmed, anxious, upset, angry, or confused. Normally, kids with dyslexia have a strong sense of fairness. If something seems unfair, if the scales are tipped in what they perceive as the wrong direction, they can get extremely upset. As a result, this leads to meltdowns!

Kids with dyslexia will often retreat or act out, but these behavior problems are easy to fix with the Bravo! Behavior Booster.

Perhaps your child tried to tell you or someone else about the negative feelings, but something got in the way. An interruption popped up.

That means the feelings weren’t processed, they churned inside your child, waiting for a way to erupt.

Most of the time, though, the problem arises when your child wasn’t able to find the proper words to explain the tumultuous storm of feelings to you…in a way that you could understand.

The Right Words Won’t Come: How Language Affects Behavior

Often, these kids simply don’t have the vocabulary to tell you what’s going on! The words simply aren’t there, so how can they use them to explain to you how they feel?

The free Bravo! Behavior Booster gives you ways to help your child improve behavior issues.

Another problem arises when kids can’t label exactly what’s bothering them. Once again, since the feelings aren’t processed, they roil in your child’s body, waiting for a way to find release.

All too often, that release is negative.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children might have ODD if they exhibit signs of anger, argue in front of adults, or act spiteful. In addition, these children might become annoyed easily. These are the kids who appear extra sensitive.

We’ve all experienced negative emotions and the storm of feelings that can erupt from them. Most of the time, though, even children are able to organize these feelings, process them, express them, let them out, and then let them go.

The free Bravo! Behavior Booster gives you ways to help your child improve behavior issues.

But when your child is on a negative behavior cycle – whether alone, with you, or with someone else – you might need help. And, you know if you don’t do something about the behavior problems, it will just get worse!

You might have tried everything in your power to fix the problem, but nothing has worked.

Just fill out the form below to get your free copy of the Bravo! Behavior Booster.

When your child jumps onto a positive behavior cycle, it not only helps your child shine…it turns your whole family around!

You’re too close to the problem. Without knowing it, you jumped onto that negative behavior cycle. Behavior problems seem to take over your entire life.

But the answer’s easy; the answer’s quick.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re an island, floating around all alone among an ocean of perfect parents and perfect children, then take a breath. Sit back and relax, because the solution is here.

The Bravo! Behavior Booster is the blueprint you’ve been searching for. It’ the simple solution to help your child off that negative behavior cycle and hopping onto a positive one. In a matter of days, you can start seeing your child’s behavior problems improve, whether it’s simply completing a homework assignment or something more problematic, like arguing with the teacher.

Put An End To Behavior Problems With Easy To Use Task Sheets!

Right from the start, the Bravo! Behavior Booster will show you how to set up a simple task sheet.

It can be used in a positive way for any behavior, whether academic or not. First, this simple task sheet can be used for teaching your child to ride a bicycle or turn in an assignment.

In addition, you can use it to help your child turn off video games. Even better, you can use the task sheet to help your child turn in an assignment.

Finally, you can even use it for something as simple as stopping an argument with a sibling or friend!

The sky is truly the limit!

Think It, Change It: How To Get Rid Of Bad Behavior

Quickly and easily, you can help your child change almost any behavior. And it starts with the Bravo! Behavior Booster’s easy to use task sheets.

The Bravo! Behavior Booster Task Sheets help you:

  • pinpoint your child’s specific behaviors that are getting in the way of success
  • help you and your child work together to choose tasks that can be accomplished with ease
  • help your child’s behavior be a positive impact instead of a negative one
  • guide your child to easy behavior successes one task at a time
  • start with one easy task your child can succeed with and from there move to two tasks, then three, etc.
  • build a framework of easy behavior successes, one task at a time
  • find quality time rewards that speak to your child’s way of seeing things – not anyone else’s
  • use tangible item rewards to reinforce your child’s good behavior
  • teach you how to communicate in a positive way with your child
  • show you and your child how to jump off the negative behavior cycle

Even One Achievable Task Makes For Better Behavior

If your child is struggling with behavior issues – whether academic or strictly behavioral, then all you have to do is download Bravo! Reading’s FREE Behavior Booster, and you’re on your way to helping your child gain independence, happiness, and pride at better behavior.

The free Bravo! Behavior Booster gives you tools to stop behavior problems.

Once a task is chosen and recorded on the task sheet, it’s “go” time! This simply means that you give your child the opportunity to complete the task.

From there, either your child finishes the task, or not…

There are times when tasks aren’t completed and the reward isn’t given. That’s perfectly fine and a great opportunity for learning.

In life, we don’t complete every task; we don’t always get the reward.

Make It Reachable, And It’s All Yours!

But since the task you chose for your child was achievable, it means there’s a huge chance for completion and a better chance of success. So most likely, your child completed the task and a reward was given for it.

When a task is reachable, behavior goals can be met and academics improve.

This immediate reinforcement launches you both onto a positive behavior cycle! It also helps your child’s self-esteem and self-confidence!

In addition, this process gets your child in the habit of completing tasks. And completed tasks equate to better behavior!

Consequently, it’s amazing how fantastic kids feel when they complete a simple task and immediately receive a reward for it!

Two Types of Rewards And The Happy Child!

The Bravo! Behavior Booster will show you how to choose two types of rewards that will motivate your child to stay on a positive behavior cycle.

Help your child overcome behavior problems with the Bravo! Behavior Booster.

Not all rewards will motivate all children. What motivates one child won’t motivate another. With the Bravo! Behavior Booster, you’ll discover how to motivate your child by choosing two different types of rewards.

When your child receives the right type of reward for a completed task, the dots connect. Your child wants to repeat the process because it makes sense. Since your child feels good, then good behaviors are repeated.

Before long, unwanted behaviors disappear.

How To Change Behavior Problems In One Easy Step

Did you know that when your child craves attention that even negative attention will do? And once your child starts getting negative attention, a negative behavior cycle takes over.

All too often, you hop onto that cycle with your child, and everything flies out of control.

It seems too hard to get back onto a positive behavior cycle, and the next thing you know, both you and your child are stuck on the negative cycle.

The Bravo! Behavior Booster shows you exactly how to quit giving your child attention for negative behaviors. And by doing this, behavior problems disappea.

It’s really not that hard, but when you’re smack dab in the middle of a negative behavior cycle with your child, it seems impossible.

You just need to be given the proper set of tools to help you both.

But…who would even want negative attention, anyway?

Well…that’s thinking like an adult would.

Did You Know Kids Think Differently than Adults?

Kids think differently, especially kids with dyslexia or other learning issues. Children with auditory processing disorders especially struggle with behavior issues. At times, kids become desperate for any kind of attention. School stinks. Friends let them down.

When a child is on a negative behavior cycle, bullying can be a problem.

Tests are failed. Grades drop. They might even be getting bullied.

When they come home, they want smiles and positive words! But for some “kid” reason, negative behaviors take over.

And the next thing you know, it’s all a mess!

That’s the negative behavior cycle in a nut shell.

A sample page from Bravo! Reading's free Behavior Booster where parents are taught how to end behavior problems in their children.

The Best Behavior Improvement System Ever!

Download the Bravo! Behavior Booster and discover:

  • the two types of rewards that motivate children to behave
  • how to use task sheets for positive behaviors
  • the difference between a behavior task and an activity task 
  • how to make behaviors tied to specific tasks so kids can reach a positive outcome
  • how negative behavior impedes learning
  • how to jump off a negative behavior cycle with your child or student
  • the secrets about attention that affect all children and students

To download the Bravo! Behavior Booster, just fill out the form below, and you’ll get immediate access!

Bravo! Reading offers a free Bravo! Behavior Booster.

How To Fix Behavior Problems In A Flash!
Article Name
How To Fix Behavior Problems In A Flash!
Children with dyslexia and learning issues often have behavior problems. The free Bravo! Behavior Booster helps children learn to behave and achieve tasks with a simple process.
Publisher Name
Bravo! Reading
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