Bravo! Reading Program

The Best Reading Program For Kids With Dyslexia!

Bravo! Reading helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.
The Bravo! Reading Program helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.

It hurts. Listening to your child read. That emptiness in your chest when you think of those long school days, how the schools aren’t helping enough. And you’ve tried everything. Workbooks. Flashcards. Phonics activities. But the right reading program hasn’t popped up yet.

Until. Now.

If your child has dyslexia, then you need a dyslexia reading program. Not a traditional one. You need one that’s not like any you’ve ever seen before!

Traditional materials simply won’t work for a child with dyslexia. That’s because kids with dyslexia learn differently than others. So your child’s reading program must be different as well!

Welcome to your child’s dyslexia reading program: The Bravo! Reading Program.

The Bravo! Reading Program is like no other reading program you’ve seen before! That’s because it caters to kids with dyslexia by using movement as the main learning avenue.

No, your child won’t be doing something “wacky” like jumping jacks and singing. Instead, your child uses dot dabbers with solid Orton-Gillingham research to make reading and decoding words a breeze!

By engaging the shoulder, arm, and hand…letters, sounds, and words…


Just like they’re supposed to.

Whatever You Do…Don’t Lose Hope!

Sadly, When your child has dyslexia, it’s like a dark cloud hanging over you.

Over the entire family at times.

Maybe you’ve lost hope.

The Bravo! Reading Program is a dyslexia reading program based on large motor movement.

The Bravo! Reading Program gives your child the tools to read and decode flawlessly…in a fun, easy way so you don’t have to pull out your hair.

You won’t have to muddle through gigantic teacher’s manuals. There are no flash cards to figure out and there’s no long-term set up. Just quick, easy, fun activities you receive right away as digital files so you can start helping your child read and decode today!

A chart showing the benefits of using the Bravo! Reading Program.

The Dyslexia Reading Program That Shows Your Child How To Read Like A Shark

Since kids with dyslexia learn differently than other children, they need a different reading program – one designed for their needs.

Kids struggle to read and decode words when they are given too much information too soon.

Traditional reading programs are designed to deal with the masses. They work fine for kids who don’t have dyslexia or other learning issues.

Movement is the main learning sense for a child with dyslexia. This means your child needs movement to build strong reading skills. And not just any movement will do. Your child needs to use large motor movements to help drive in crucial decoding skills.

Traditional programs rely on phonics, flashcards, and “drill and kill” methods to teach a child to read. These methods work for most kids, but to a child with dyslexia, it’s like speaking a foreign language. Because kids with dyslexia are hands-on learners, they need to move to learn. Also, they are usually right-brain dominant learners. This means they learn by seeing and perceiving a “whole” instead of piecemeal learning. They also learn through color, pictures, creativity, music, and rhythm.

Since phonics is a left-brain dominant activity, this makes traditional learning methods difficult for the dyslexic child.

How Large Motor Movements Make The Reading Difference!

If your child has dyslexia, then a different method is needed to teach your child how to decode words. You see, decoding is the backbone of reading. It gives your child strategies to sound out new and unfamiliar words. This takes the guesswork out of reading!

A specialized reading program for dyslexia helps kids learn to read in a way that makes sense to them.

But decoding doesn’t come easily to kids with dyslexia. They need taught in a different way. They need movement, color, pictures, brain-based learning, predictability, and a multisensory approach – all used in the Bravo! Reading Program.

Since kids with dyslexia are tactile or hands-on learners, they need to move to learn. But not just any kind of movement will do. Children with dyslexia need large motor movements to truly set in learning. Even better, they enjoy learning when large motor movements are involved.

Get the Bravo! Reading Program and watch how your child has fun while overcoming reading problems caused by dyslexia.

Learning with Brain-Based Methods Makes An Impact!

Brain-based learning makes a huge difference for kids with dyslexia as well.

The Bravo! Reading Program helps children with dyslexia read with confidence through innovative techniques.

This mode of learning involves keeping kids engaged physically so that learning outcomes can be better. There’s a lot more that goes into brain-based learning such as lessening stress, shortened instruction times, opportunities to explore, and remapping the brain through repetitive movements.

Just keep in mind that this is exactly how kids with dyslexia do best when learning something! And they do much better if they have a decoding program that uses large motor movements and brain-based learning!

The Bravo! Reading Program uses movement to drive in decoding skills. Your child uses dot dabbers or bingo markers while pounding letters, blends, or other decoding symbols and saying sounds out loud at the same time.

This engages the arm, the shoulder, and the hand to ensure large motor movements are used. It’s also multisensory – on steroids! Multisensory means that visual, auditory, and tactile methods are used.

Phonemes, small units of sound, are also a huge component of the Bravo! Reading Program. These small units of sound are what words are built upon in our language. Examples of phonemes are “im”, “ud”, “ax”, “op”, and “eb”.

From there, your child builds on these small units until multi-syllable words are read with ease.

Set In Reading Skills For Life!

But your child also needs brain-based learning in order to ensure reading success. This ties movement with learning and takes away stress in the process.

Remapping of the brain occurs while your child pounds letters and blends, sliding a dot dabber over the Silent E Slide, or combining two letters together to make one new and unique sound.

A multi-sensory approach is also necessary because kids with dyslexia are usually weak in visual and auditory processing skills. Traditional reading programs and schools in general rely on visual and auditory means to teach skills.

The Bravo! Reading Program shows your child how to read – one step at a time, through a series of researched backed activities. Even better, the Bravo! Reading Program has been used in the Harp Learning Institute Learning centers for over twenty-four years with an amazing success rate. The average jump students make through the course of the program is five grade levels!

That’s remarkable!

The Bravo! Reading Program helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenge throug movement based activities.

Kids love Level 1 of the Bravo! Reading Program. This beginning level teaches your child how to blend two letters together to form a word. This is one of the most important skills readers need, yet traditional reading programs fail to spend enough time letting learners explore this important skill.

Most reading programs take children straight from letter sounds to sounding out three-letter words. This is a huge mistake for the child with dyslexia, as blending letters together is difficult to start with. The dyslexic student needs more time with two-letter words.

The Double Letter Jab is the best starting point for kids with dyslexia. Your child must know all letter sounds, including long and short vowel sounds to use the Double Letter Jab and any other levels of the Bravo! Reading Program.

The Double Letter Jab introduces nonsense words so your child keeps bad reading and decoding habits at bay from the start. Bad reading habits, like guessing at words or memorizing them instead of sounding them out, happen when your child is pushed to quickly into decoding words that are too difficult. It also happens when not enough time is spent on foundational skills like decoding two-letter words.

As in all levels of Bravo! Reading, your child will take a Bravo! Checkup at the end of the level to make sure decoding skills are strong before moving to the next level. If your child doesn’t pass the checkup, that’s okay. It just means more practice is necessary.

The second level of the Bravo! Reading Program shows your child how to blend three letters together to form a word.

This is the next natural step after mastering two-letter words. Learning to decode three-letter words is one of the most important decoding skills your child can learn!

Once again, large motor movements are used to drive in how to quickly and easily decode or sound out three-letter words. Your child will use a dot dabber or bingo marker to pound out each letter sound while at the same time saying the sound of the letter out loud.

Your child becomes familiar with the Bravo! Bullseye, which is a colorful marker “target” your child pounds to get large motor movement involved while saying the sound of the letter out loud at the same time. When finished with the three letters and their sounds, your child slides the dot dabber across the Bravo! Bolt while blending all three sounds together to make a word.

Sample pages from Level 2 of the Bravo! Reading Program.

The format for the words in the Triple Letter Crunch is in the traditional consonant-vowel-consonant layout. Examples of these words would be “cat”, “fin”, “bat”, “hem”, “rid”, “bed”, “dug”, and “mop”.

Your child will also use nonsense words to practice these sounds. Since kids with dyslexia are meaning-driven, they will often guess at words because the meaning of the word is so enticing. Nonsense words eliminate this problem as well as guessing at words because there is no meaning to guess at in the first place. It gets straight down to decoding.

Pure and simple.

Level 3 of the Bravo! Reading Program introduces consonant blends to your child. This can be a difficult skill for kids with dyslexia! They have such a hard time understanding that two letters can come together to form one new and unique sound.

The Consonant Blend Smash is chock full of fun, brain-based learning. Your child uses cross-lateral movements to learn consonant blends. This is easy for kids with dyslexia to understand and internalize.

Sample pages from Level 3 of the Bravo! Reading Program.

Brain-based learning uses movement (among other things) to help your child learn and explore. It’s also important to cross the vertical midline of the body for remapping to occur. Learning is easier when it’s brain-based because it makes sense to the dyslexic child.

Level 3 of the Bravo! Reading Program focuses on letter knowledge because of the difficulty of this skill. Once your child passes the Bravo! Checkup, it’s straight toward using consonant blends in words!

Level 4 of the Bravo! Reading Program picks up where Level 3 left off, showing your child how to use consonant blends in words. Once again, your child will use dot dabbers to pound in sounds.

Kids love doing this, and by now, your child has a rhythm with the program. Those dot dabbers fly as your child confidently calls off sounds at the same time. This joining together of auditory, visual, and physical is a triple whammy of learning. And of course, it’s large motor movement, so that makes all the difference in the world to your child’s decoding success.

Level 4 of the Bravo! Reading Program helps kids sound out words with consonant blends.

Your child will get practice yet again with nonsense words in the Consonant Blend Blast! This is very helpful in helping your child break bad reading habits like guessing at words or memorizing words.

Examples of words learned in Level 4 are “brat”, “plot”, “slug”, “chin”, and “shed”. Adding the fourth letter can be challenging to kids with dyslexia, as they usually retain two to three letters in visual memory, and four-letter words contain an added symbol.

Decoding words with silent “e” at the end can be really frustrating for kids with dyslexia. It’s as though these kids can’t see the “e” at the end of the word… and if they ignore it, then maybe it will just go away!

There are rules that need to be followed for decoding words with the silent “e”. Unfortunately, kids with dyslexia have a hard time learning and applying these rules.

But with the Silent E Slide and the Silent E Shuffle, your child will be sounding out words with the silent “e” in no time! Following arrow paths with the dot dabber, your child uses movement to sound out the tricky words.

Kids also use the Silent E Shuffle in Level 5 of the Bravo! Reading Program. This is a very important activity for kids with dyslexia. After practicing the Silent E Slide with both regular words and nonsense words, your child is introduced to the Silent E Shuffle.

Sample pages from Level 5 of the Bravo! Reading Program where kids with dyslexia use the Silent E Slide to sound out words with silent e.

In this fun exercise, your child is shown a word with the silent “e”, such as the word “cane”. Your child runs through the arrow path with the dot dabber just like before. Only now there’s another word below it – for comparison’s sake. For the word “cane”, the second word would be “can”. It’s the same word minus the silent “e”.

By seeing real words that do and don’t have the silent “e” side by side, kids with dyslexia are able to “see” the silent “e” in words and know which words to apply the rule to and which words not to.

Level 6 of the Bravo! Reading Program helps your child master word endings. These are double letters that fall at the end of words. By now, your child is familiar with two letters coming together to make a new and unique sound.

But it gets tricky when your child finds these two letters at the end of a word. By the time a child with dyslexia gets to the end of any word, mistakes are often made. Add in two letters that make one sound, and it can get confusing. On top of it all, kids with dyslexia often fatigue by the time they get to the end of a word.

This is when mistakes are classically made. Your child, out of desperation, will call off any letter or sound just to be done with the word.

Sample pages from Level 6 of the Bravo! Reading Program where kids with dyslexia learn to read word endings.

But with the Word Ending Smack, your child uses motion to set in those tricky consonant blends that fall at the end of words. Examples of words your child decodes in the Word Ending Smack are “mill”, “pack”, “weld”, “must”, and “honk”.

One of the most difficult decoding skills for kids with dyslexia to master is the double vowel combination. Kids with dyslexia usually struggle with vowels in general, so when two of them come together to form a new and unique sound, it can get extremely confusing.

Vowels can sound very similar to each other, and it’s sometimes difficult for kids with dyslexia to pick up on their subtle differences. But when your child pounds the vowel blend with a dot dabber while saying the vowel combination out loud, brain-based learning kicks in! Vowel blends are mastered with ease!

Sample pages from Level 7 of the Bravo! Reading Program where kids learn to decode vowel blends.

Level 7 of the Bravo! Reading Program is full of large motor, cross-lateral movements that set in these tricky vowel blends. Your child won’t have to fear seeing two vowels together in a word ever again! Instead, the word with the vowel pair is sounded out quickly and easily.

The next level of Bravo! prepares your child for using vowel pairs in words. This gives your child a leg up for real world reading where vowel pairs lurk around every corner. Isn’t it great that your child no longer has to fear these worrisome combinations?

Now that your child has a strong knowledge base of vowel pairs, it’s time to use them in words. This isn’t such a huge stretch since there was so much practice in Level 7.

Still, it’s important that your child is able to automatically use these vowel combinations in words. As before, your child pounds out letter sounds with a dot dabber to drive in retention. A Bravo! Bracket is used beneath the vowel pairs so your child can see the vowel combination while saying the sound of it – all within a word, of course.

Two sample pages from Level 8 of the Bravo! Reading Program.

As with previous levels, your child will also use nonsense words to prevent bad habits from forming. This prevents guessing at words and memorizing words. Since vowel pairs can be especially tricky for kids with dyslexia, there’s a picture cue at the top of each page to help your child internalize the sound of each vowel combination.

Examples of words with vowel pairs in Level 8 of the Bravo! Reading Program are “leaf”, “feet”, “haul”, “rain”, “head”, “book”, and “boot”. As you can see, some vowel pairs are spelled the same but have different sounds. This can be especially troublesome to learn by traditional methods, but with the Bravo! Way, your child quickly learns to decode vowel pairs.

Once your child takes the Level 8 Bravo! Checkup and passes it, then it’s time to move on to one of the hardest decoding skills of all – but also one of the most important ones.

Level 9 of the Bravo! Reading Program helps your child master variants. Variants are words that don’t follow traditional reading and spelling rules. These words are the exceptions to rules, and they can sure trip up kids with dyslexia.

That’s because it’s hard enough for kids with dyslexia to learn a reading or spelling rule in the first place. They don’t automatically pick up on these rules and internalize them like other kids do. So when they come across a word that’s an exception to a rule they really don’t understand in the first place…well…you can see how much room for error there is!

A sample page from Level 9 of the Bravo! Reading Program.

Variants can be learned with the right methods. With large motor movements, pictures, color, brain-based learning, and a multi-sensory approach, they can be mastered without heartache, tears, or fights.

By this level, the Bravo! Reading Program’s predictability isn’t as…predictable…as before. That’s because variants aren’t very predictable in the first place. But at this stage of the game, it’s good news! Your child is getting ready to decode multi-syllable words soon, so this is the perfect jumping off point.

Since the rules have become a bit odd with variants, your child might pound a letter at the beginning of the word, add in a blend, and pound another letter at the end, depending on what the word is. Or the word might have two blends where your child only pounds two times in the entire word.

Even so, kids with dyslexia do quite well with variants when taught the Bravo! Way. This little loss of predictability is the perfect segue into multi-syllable words, which are coming right up!

Your child is now ready to decode two-syllable words with confidence and flair! There’s no fear anymore when it comes to two-syllable words, as reading and decoding confidence has set in. Level 10 of the Bravo! Reading Program introduces two-syllable words.

Once again, movement is king for decoding. Your child still uses a dot dabber to pound out sounds, but this time it happens on syllables as opposed to isolated sounds that need to be blended together.

Print is a bit smaller in the Two Syllable Jam! to prepare your child for real world reading. In addition, the two-syllable words are split into two distinct pieces, each one requiring movement and pounding to be read correctly.

Two sample pages from the Bravo! Reading Program.

Level 10 of the Bravo! Reading Program also uses two-syllable nonsense words to help your child keep from forming bad decoding habits. Most traditional or dyslexia-geared reading programs do not use multi-syllable nonsense words.

Typically, in these programs, the use of nonsense words is stopped after three-letter words. This is a huge disservice to kids with dyslexia who need this process to not only keep them from forming bad habits but to give them practice with meaningless words with no pressure to perform.

In addition, the Two Syllable Jam introduces prefixes and suffixes to your child, a crucially important skill for reading. When a prefix or suffix is pounded with a dot dabber, it’s suddenly a fun, meaningful learning activity!

The final level of the Bravo! Reading Program shows your child how to decode three-syllable words with ease. This is a skill that usually eludes kids with dyslexia.

Kids with dyslexia usually panic when they try to decode a multi-syllable word. But since finishing Level 10 and passing the Bravo! Checkup, your child comes to the table with the skill of sounding out two-syllable words, so it’s not so overwhelming.

Two sample pages from the Bravo! Reading Program.

In the Three-Syllable Word Slam!, your child also gets another dose of nonsense words to break bad reading and decoding habits before they even start. Once again, this is unheard of in traditional reading programs, but so necessary for kids with dyslexia.

Your child will still decode three-syllable words with a dot dabber, but the print is even smaller than in Level 10. This, of course, helps your child succeed in real world reading.

Words are separated into three distinct pieces that are dabbed or pounded with gusto. Then, your child slides the syllables together across the Bravo! Bolt to blend them together.

How To Tell If The Bravo! Reading Program Is Right For Your Child

A chart showing the benefits of using a dyslexia reading program.

If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, your child has indications of dyslexia and needs a different approach to reading. Traditional methods won’t work for your child. The Bravo! Reading Program gives your child the tools for reading success!

The Reading Program That Gives You Lasting Results!

If your child has dyslexia or you suspect dyslexia is preventing your child from succeeding academically, please understand it’s never too late. And always know the sooner a proper intervention is made, the sooner your child makes progress.

From there, grades soar. Tests are passed with ease and confidence. Homework battles cease, because reading carries over to all subjects.

When your child learns letter sounds by pounding in a special way with dot dabbers, light bulbs turn on. This is learning that makes sense to your child. It’s learning that works!

Words are learned the same way, pounding and dabbing. With large motor movement – the hand, the arm, and the shoulder sending messages to the brain.

You see, kids with dyslexia don’t learn the same as other kids. It doesn’t mean something is wrong with your child. It just means a different approach is needed.

Because, reading shouldn’t be a painful process. It should be easy and fun. It should lead to magical worlds and excellent grades.

Bravo! Reading caters to the dyslexic the student who has weak decoding skills. Bravo! nurtures the child with dyslexia who sinks down into a chair when it’s time to read out loud. Bravo! helps the young reader who can’t seem to learn letter sounds and feels like other kids are smarter. Even high schoolers come to Bravo! for a safe place to learn to decode and sound out words.

At Bravo! Reading, we know and understand that nothing is wrong with your child – only the reading program your child’s been using!

A chart showing the benefits of using the Bravo! Reading Program and how it helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges.

The Bravo! Money Back Guarantee

Bravo! Reading knows what it’s like to have a child with dyslexia. After all, Lisa Harp, the founder of Bravo! Reading originally developed this reading program to help her own son who had dyslexia. Within a year, he was an honor student!

Lisa brings this same methods to you so you can help your child. Whether you work with your child, hire a tutor to do so, or have a family member help out, we know the cost of not doing anything.When your child struggles to read, the world is bleak. When reading skills fall into place, a magical world opens up.

We also know the cost of panic decisions, and we know that Bravo! is a confidence decision.

The Bravo! Reading Program offers a full guarantee if you aren't satisfied.

Turning Tears To Sunshine The Bravo! Way

Bravo! Reading knows what it’s like to have tears instead of sunshine, fits instead of smiles. Books thrown aside and Kindles ignored. Bravo! knows what it’s like to have a child avoid reading at all costs, and we’ve gone the extra mile to fix that problem for you and your child.

Because of this, Bravo! offers a 100% money back guarantee.

If you aren’t happy with the Bravo! Reading Program, just let us know and we’ll happily refund your money, no questions asked.

Do You Still Have Questions About The Bravo! Reading Program?

Bravo! works for kindergarten through adult. Although it is geared more for children, naturally appealing to their sense of joy and fun, (cute pictures of sharks, colorful pictures and cues, etc.), it can be used for any age group. Teens have made tremendous progress with the Bravo! Reading Program.

If a child of any age needs to quickly learn letter sounds, including long and short vowel sounds, the Bravo! Beginner is the best starting place.

For value alone, The Bravo! Bundle includes the Bravo! Reading Program along with the Bravo! Beginner and all Bravo! Reading Expansion Packs for only $399.99, which is cheaper than the Bravo! Reading Program by itself, which is $459.99.

This way, you’ll have all Bravo! materials and if you find you don’t need some of them, then simply don’t use them. By having all products, you don’t have to come back and order more materials…and it’s the best value!

The Bravo! Bundle is one of Bravo! Reading's dyslexia reading programs.

The Bravo! Bundle gives you all Bravo! Reading products for a cheaper price than buying each product individually.

The Bravo! Beginner helps kids with dyslexia learn letter sounds quickly.

The Bravo! Beginner shows your child how to learn letter sounds, including long and short vowel sounds, in short order.

The Bravo! Booster Pack is one of Bravo! Reading's expansion packs.

The Bravo! Booster Pack is an expansion pack that picks up where the Bravo! Reading System left off, expanding on phonemic awareness and breaking bad decoding habits. It is the most thorough phonemic awareness system available.

One of Bravo! Reading's dyslexia reading programs is the Bravo! Super Booster Pack.

The Bravo! Super Booster Pack focuses more on decoding words. Print graduates from large to small and intense use of nonsense words is used, even multi-syllable words. This breaks bad reading habits and replaces them with good ones.

The Bravo! Decoder Pack is Bravo! Reading’s most challenging expansion pack. It uses three modes of learning – decoding units, nonsense words, and fun stories – to drive in difficult decoding skills.

Whether your child is just a bit behind in reading or has been diagnosed with dyslexia, Bravo! Reading will build a strong decoding foundation which carries over to strong reading and fluency skills.

However, since you receive all Bravo! products as digital files, you can use them in a computer or a tablet. We recommend using the Print Method to use with dot dabbers to gain the most learning possible. As an added bonus…kids love using dot dabbers to read, and it keeps them engaged for longer periods of time.

My son hates to read and has tantrums whenever we try to get him to read. How will I get him to do even more reading on top of tons of homework after school?

It’s easy to compare Bravo! Reading products with traditional reading programs that probably drive your child to distraction. But Bravo! gives your child a fun way to learn decoding skills through gross motor movements, brain-based learning, color, pictures, predictability, and a multisensory approach to learning.

All our decoding programs are Orton-Gillingham based…only we’ve taken the basics of this approach and added so much more! More nonsense words. More movement. Bigger movements. More color and pictures. More fun! And we put “multisensory” on steroids! This is what connects with your child.

We do not use traditional phonics sheets, flashcards, or “drill and kill” methods of teaching reading. These simply don’t work for a child with dyslexia.

Bravo! Reading materials are different than anything you might have previously purchased. Because these products speak intrinsically to a child with dyslexia, you don’t have to spend as much time using the materials in order to get amazing, fast results.

Most people get results with Bravo! with as little as fifteen minutes a day, five days a week. And even better, there are no flash cards and teacher’s manuals, no tiles to keep track of…no difficult vocabulary words to memorize.

The true key to success with any Bravo! Reading product, though, is consistency. Even if you only use the materials you purchased for fifteen minutes one time a week, you’ll start to see results.

The brain likes to work and it then likes to rest, so we don’t recommend “marathon”, intensive training sessions with Bravo! materials. This also keeps it fresh and fun for your child!

No. All Bravo! Reading Program and related materials are digital files that you receive immediately. From there, you can choose to print out the materials or plug them into a computer or tablet for use. For best results, we recommend using the Print Method along with a bingo marker or dot dabber to ensure the most large motor movement. This is the reading “cheat sheet” your child needs to succeed!

One of the most exciting things about Bravo! Reading is its simplicity. Bravo! is Orton-Gillingham based with a huge dose of fun thrown it, because that’s what works for kids with dyslexia. There are no flashcards, tiles, or teacher’s manuals with Bravo! Reading products.

If you can read and follow a three-step recipe, you can figure out how to use Bravo! products. Each different product comes with two types of directions – a traditional step-by-step quick guide as well as a picture card that shows you with pictures what to do.

Even better, there are only a few easy movements to learn with Bravo! Reading products. Once you show your child what to do, the actions and movements carry over to the next level. Also, these movements are intuitive to a child with dyslexia, so it doesn’t take much to get your child going.

Yes. But it will only cost you a few dollars! At bare minimum, you’ll need to purchase two dot dabbers or bingo markers. These are the tools your child will happily use to read the Bravo! Way! These can be purchased at Amazon, Walmart, Target, or any other similar department store.

If using the Print Method (recommended) you will have printing costs. It is also recommended that you use a binder and clear plastic report covers, but these items are optional. They can also be purchased from the places mentioned above.

If using the Tablet Method or Screen Method, you will need to purchase two capacitive stylus pens. These can be purchased at the same places as recommended above for a few dollars as well.

Yes, all Bravo! Reading materials are multisensory…only on steroids. Typical multisensory programs have your child write letters in sand, form letters out of clay, or move a tile while saying a sound. These are great methods, but the child with dyslexia needs more movement in order to get results. And it can’t be just any movement. It needs to be large motor movement to make a difference, for real learning to set in.

But Bravo! takes it a step further. We add brain-based learning, color cues, pictures, and predictability to help your child master phonemic awareness and decoding skills. This, in turn, equates to better reading comprehension and fluency.

The Bravo! Reading Program is an Orton-Gillingham based reading program that helps kids with dyslexia learn to decode words instead of guess at them. But Bravo! offers so much more than traditional Orton-Gillingham-based programs.

For starters, all Bravo! materials engage your child in more movement exercises than traditional Orton-Gillingham programs. And not just more but better. Bravo! has your child use large motor movements, which is how a child with dyslexia learns.

In addition, Bravo! Reading doesn’t just stop at providing simple phonemic awareness skills. We slowly work your child up to multi-syllable words. We also make sure your child has a strong sense of variants, which are those pesky words that don’t follow traditional spelling and reading rules. Bravo! Reading offers the most thorough use of word building and phonemic awareness available through the three decoding expansion packs, the Bravo! Booster Pack, the Bravo! Super Booster Pack, and the Bravo! Decoder Pack.

In addition, some traditional Orton-Gillingham programs have kids with dyslexia memorize difficult reading and spelling rules. This is a difficult process for kids with dyslexia. Bravo! prefers using brain-based learning to set in these difficult skills instead of forcing rote memorization with small movements.

Kids with dyslexia are usually weak in visual and auditory memory skills, so asking them to memorize material is not part of the Bravo! Way!

Yes! Every program offers a payment plan through Klarna or Afterpay, which allow you to receive the products you desire and make payments on them over time. In addition, The Bravo! Bundle is set up on an automatic payment plan of six payments of $59.99.

The Harp Learning Institute learning centers had many nonverbal, autistic students who not only learned letter sounds with the Bravo! Beginner but also learned to read and decode along with the the Bravo! Reading System.

With that said, we cannot make guarantees that the Bravo! Reading Program or the Bravo! Beginner will work for all nonverbal autistic children. The Bravo! Reading materials are all designed by Dyslexia Expert, Lisa Harp, and are built for children with dyslexia.

With that said, it’s painfully obvious how few materials are available for kids on the spectrum. So, the choice will be yours if you’d like to try any Bravo! Reading products with a child who has autism.

Each reader is unique, so we can’t tell you how long it takes to reach grade level success. We don’t know where your child is starting from and what skills are and aren’t in place. For instance, if your child needs to learn all letter sounds, it will probably take longer to reach grade level reading status than if there’s an existing letter/sound foundation.

However, you will usually start seeing results in as little as six weeks. Part of the quick turn-around time you’ll see with Bravo! is due to its ability to break bad reading and decoding habits like guessing at words or memorizing them.

Once these bad habits have been corrected and replaced with better decoding skills, progress is made quickly.

It also depends on how much time you spend with the materials as well as consistency. It’s much more effective to be consistent instead of working in spurts for long marathon sessions.

Get The Bravo! Bundle and you’ll get more value while saving money. This bundle gives you all Bravo! Reading materials to ensure your child is a reading shark!

You’ll receive all eleven levels of the Bravo! Reading Program, the Bravo! Beginner, and all of the Bravo! Reading Expansion Packs.

The expansion packs you’ll receive are the Bravo! Booster Pack, the Bravo! Super Booster Pack, and the Bravo! Decoder Pack.

Your child is covered from A to Z with The Bravo! Bundle. From letter sounds to multi-syllable words, movement locks in crucial reading skills while your child has a great time!

All Bravo! Reading materials will be as digital files.
Your child can turn into a reading shark after using the Bravo! Reading Program.

The Best Reading Program For Kids With Dyslexia
Article Name
The Best Reading Program For Kids With Dyslexia
The Bravo! Reading Program helps kids with dyslexia overcome reading challenges with large motor movements and brain-based learning as opposed to traditional reading methods that don't work for dyslexic learners.
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Bravo! Reading
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